日時 : 2015年10月4日(日) 13時30分~
会場 : 岩手県陸前高田市高田町字栃ヶ沢210番地3 陸前高田市コミュニティホール
歌 : 市内合唱団
演奏 : 伊藤園子 中村証二 他
使用楽器 : 海保オルガン7ストップ
共催 : 陸前高田市教育委員会、日本リードオルガン協会
The Reed Organ in the Museum, Rikuzen-Takata, Iwate Pref.
Despite of the Tsunami on March 11th 2011, the reed organ was left in the room only because the door was closed at that time.
However, it was broken and covered with sand when it was found again.
After that the reed organ was repaired and a concert with the organ will take place there.
I arranged some songs for it.
I heard the songs were often played there and stay deep in their heart, thus arranged paying attention not to spoil the beauty of the original songs and of tones of the organ, yet hoping from youngers to elders enjoy them.
It is my pleasure to have the opportunity.